False Friends - Korean

Multiple-choice exercise

Choose the correct answer for each question.
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  1. A register is:
    1.   a list of names
    2.   a waiter
    3.   a waitress
  2. In English, a note is:
    1.   something short that you write
    2.   a letter to a colleague
    3.   a kind of book
  3. If you are cunning, you are:
    1.   clever
    2.   cheating
    3.   stupid
    4.   dishonest
  4. A 'talent' is
    1.   an actor
    2.   acting
    3.   a theatre person
    4.   any special ability
  5. A guarantee is:
    1.   money for a certain job
    2.   a fee
    3.   a promise
  6. In English, 'training' means:
    1.   a track suit
    2.   teaching
    3.   athletics clothes
  7. In English, 'concise' means:
    1.   short
    2.   a small book
    3.   a dictionary
  8. Cider is:
    1.   a drink made from apples
    2.   a soft drink
    3.   soda pop
  9. In English, a cup is usually made of:
    1.   metal
    2.   glass
    3.   china
  10. A pro is:
    1.   a TV show
    2.   a programme
    3.   a professional