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Who developed the VARK hypothesis?
- Honey
- Fleming
- Kolb
- Mumford
Someone who learns well by listening is described as ...
- a good listener
- an auditory learner
- a reflector learner
- a kinaesthetic learner
Pragmatists ...
- like to stand back and think things through
- are flexible and enjoy problem solving
- like theories to explain things
- are usually dominantly reading-writing learners
Reflectors ...
- try to integrate things into theories
- are willing to jump in and try new things
- like to stand back and think
- are down-to-earth problem solvers
Japanese culture exhibits ...
- low uncertainty avoidance and low power distance
- high uncertainty avoidance and low power distance
- high uncertainty avoidance and large power distance
- low uncertainty avoidance and high power distance
Scandinavian, British, USA and German cultures typically exhibit ...
- high power distance and high uncertainty avoidance
- low to medium power distance
- high to very high power distance
- very high levels of uncertainty avoidance
Artists, designers and cartoonists generally show high levels of ...
- Linguistic intelligence
- Spatial-visual intelligence
- Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence
- Logical-mathematical intelligence
Intonation and rhythm exercises will be easier for people with high ...
- logical-mathematical intelligence
- bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence
- linguistic intelligence
- musical intelligence
An exercise which involves moving and matching cut-out headlines with cut-out paragraphs will appeal to people who are strongly ...
- kinaesthetic and reading-writing learners
- visual and auditory learners
- reflectors and people with high spatial-visual intelligence
- theorists and pragmatists
Learners from cultures which have high power distances will expect the teacher to ...
- be open to their views and opinions
- manage the classroom assertively
- work on an equal basis with the students
- use lots of pair and group work