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When I use video with my learners I should ...
- make sure it's not too long
- give them a reason for watching it
- just let them watch it
Smartphones should ...
- be used intelligently
- be banned from classrooms
- be exploited
Authentic material should ...
- carefully selected
- always be preferred
- used if it is appropriate
I should use supplementary materials because ...
- they provide more exposure to language
- they add variety
- they are better than coursebooks
CATALYST is a helpful mnemonic to evaluate ...
- supplementary course materials
- the use of electronic equipment
- coursebooks
When I am thinking something new to use next week, I am using ...
- retrospective evaluation
- judgement of my learners' needs
- prospective evaluation
Examples of realia are ...
- flowers
- an email from my brother
- communication games
Publishers' descriptions of materials should ...
- be read sceptically
- be used bearing my learners in mind
- always be trusted
If materials are a little too difficult, I ...
- should abandon them
- could pre-teach more vocabulary
- can move more slowly
I should use the board as ...
- a guide for my learners in the lesson
- a place to put important information
- a place to make notes as I go along