TKT Module 2: Choosing assessment activities Practice test 2

Gap-fill test | TKT Course

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Two advantages of multiple-choice or -response tests of reading or listening comprehension is that they are easily and marked and they can test a wide range of language and skills
A disadvantage is that random can distort the results.
Gap-fill tests can be easily to make them harder or easier (e.g., by giving multiple-choice alternatives) but can require marker judgement if there are possibilities.
Re-ordering tasks can be used for paragraphs, , phrases or single words and with a range of text . However, multiple correct is sometimes possible so marking is more subjective.
transfer tasks can involve transferring data from a chart or diagram to written or text and assess productive ability.
Guided speaking tasks can be more objectively marked than speaking tasks.
A disadvantage of interviews (role plays etc.) is that the learners can each other's performance and that reduces their and reliability.