TKT Module 2: Planning a lesson or a series of lessons Practice test 2

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PPP refers to Present > Practice > .  This is a very common for lessons of all kinds.  It is: familiar, simple and often effective.  It usually works like this:
The topic and target are introduced at the outset.
The of the lesson lies in progressively less controlled practice.
At the end, the learners can use the language in a personal way for real .
TTT refers to Test > > Test and is almost equally common and but is less straightforward to plan because the teacher must respond and to what emerges from the first testing stage.
The lesson begins with tasks to the learners' ability to do things with the language.  This alerts both the learners and the teacher to what needs to be improved or learned.
The actually teaching and practice come next with the focus on analysing and practising.
Finally, the tasks are repeated or new ones are set to allow everyone to judge how well the lesson's targets have been .
TBL refers to Task- Learning.  This is not common as a structure but has great advantages in terms of requiring the learners to use their language skills to the full right from the beginning.  It is also useful if you have a very group of learners because they can all achieve the task in some way.
There are differences in how people plan lessons of this kind with some preferring to teach language first and some preferring to teach the language after the task is so the sequence could be:
Presentation of the
Do the task
back on the task outcomes
Analysis of the language produced with
of the language the learners needed to command.