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Grammar references


You may find some of the following helpful if you are looking for more detail.
There are two types of grammars, divisible into two subgroups:

  1. Prescriptive grammars, which tell you what is correct and what is wrong
  2. Descriptive grammars which attempt to describe and analyse what native speakers actually say and write

The majority of the references here are of the second sort.

The subgroups are:

  1. Pedagogic grammars intended for learners which usually simplify somewhat and make some assumptions regarding how language is learned.  Examples from this list are Swan, 2005 and Foley and Hall, 1988.

  2. Reference grammars intended for teachers and other researchers which try to be as complete and in-depth as possible.  Examples below are Leech and Svartvik, 2003 and Miller, 2002.

The title of the book usually betrays what sort it is.

Many of the following have been drawn on when compiling language-analysis guides for this site.

Aitken, R, Longman, 1995

Teaching Tenses: Ideas for Presenting and Practising Tenses in English

Alexander, L. G, Longman, 1988

Longman English Grammar

Butt, D, Fahey, R, Feez, S, Spinks, S & Yallop, C, NCELTR, Sydney, 2000 Using Functional Grammar: an explorer's guide

Bygate, M, Tonkyn, A & Williams, E, Prentice-Hall, 1994

Grammar and the Language Teacher

Carter, R & Hughes, R, Cambridge University Press, 2007

Exploring Grammar in Context

Carter, R, Cambridge University Press, 2006

Cambridge Grammar of English

Chalker, S, Macmillan, 1984 Current English Grammar

Cowan, R, Cambridge University Press, 2008

The Teacher's Grammar of English: A Course Book and Reference Guide

Eastwood, J, Oxford University Press, 1999

Oxford Practice Grammar

Foley, M & Hall, D, Pearson, 1988

Longman advanced learners' grammar

Gerngross, G, Puchta, H & Thornbury, S, Helbling Languages, 2007

Teaching Grammar Creatively

Leech, G and Svartvik J, 3rd edition, Longman, 2003

A Communicative Grammar of English

Leech, G, Longman, 1987

Meaning and the English Verb

Lewis, M, Language Teaching Publications, 1986

The English Verb: An Exploration of Structure and Meaning

Lock, G, Cambridge University Press, 1996 Functional English Grammar

Miller, J, Edinburgh University Press, 2002

An Introduction to English Syntax

Murphy, R, Cambridge University Press, 2012 English Grammar in Use (4th Edition)
Palmer, F, Penguin, 1976 Grammar

Parrott, M, Cambridge University Press, 2010

Grammar for English Language Teachers (2nd Ed.)

Pinker, S, Penguin, 1995 The Language Instinct
Pinker, S, Phoenix, 1999 Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language
Quirk, R, Greenbaum, S, Leech, G & Svartvik, J, Longman, 1972 A Grammar of Contemporary English

Scrivener, J, Macmillan, 2010

Teaching English Grammar

Sinclair, J, HarperCollins, 1990

Collins Cobuild English Grammar

Sinclair, J, HarperCollins, 1992

Collins Cobuild English Usage

Swan, M, Oxford University Press, 2005

Practical English Usage (3rd Ed.)

Thornbury, S, Longman, 1999

How to Teach Grammar

Thornbury, S, Macmillan, 2005

Uncovering Grammar

Thornbury, S, Oxford University Press, 2004

Natural Grammar

Wajnryb, R, Oxford University Press, 1990

Grammar Dictation

Willis, D, Cambridge University Press, 2003

Rules, Patterns and Words: Grammar and Lexis in English Language Teaching