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Integrating ELT Concourse materials in your lessons


If you are planning a lesson on a particular grammatical, lexical or skills area, look through what is available on this site that might complement (or provide ideas for) your lesson.  The materials have been designed for use in an internet-connected classroom.
There are lots of materials in the learners' area which can be incorporated into your teaching.
In the materials index, you will find a couple of full plans for how to expand the lessons for learners into a full classroom lesson.  Adaptation for other lessons is easy.

The example here is for how to integrate the exercises at B1 / B2 level on (un)countable nouns and their quantifiers but the principle is the same for all the materials.  Click here to download the plan and materials for that lesson.

At stage 3 of that lesson, the plan's instructions are:
Now you can go to the exercise on ELT Concourse by clicking here.

If you have an internet connection in your classroom (or nearby) with at least one terminal for each pair of students, of course, then life is easy.  You set up the exercise on each terminal and let the learners work through it while you monitor and assist.

If you have a projector in your classroom which is connected to the internet, you can display the exercise centrally.  In this case, you will have to change the way you work.

Put the class into pairs or small teams.

  1. If it is a quiz-style exercise
    1. show the questions one by one and get the teams to make a note of their answers on a piece of paper but don't click on any of the answers at this stage.
    2. when they have an answer to all the questions, click on 'Show all questions' and you can check with the class what they have recorded for each question.  (It's often a bit more fun if you get the students to operate the keyboard at this stage so you can take a back seat.)
  2. If it is a different sort of exercise
    1. you can print out crosswords and gap-fill exercises and only do the on-line exercise if you need it.
    2. you can display matching exercises and get the students to agree in pairs or groups which items go together before allowing them access to the keyboard to drag and drop their ideas.

If you don't have access to the internet in your classroom, you can still use the materials, either by printing them out or saving them to folder and then connecting a laptop to a projector and displaying them.  If you want to save most materials, you can save the page as a .html file in your folder.
But if the exercise contains images, you need to save the page as a 'Web archive, single file (*.mht)' (Internet Explorer) or 'Webpage, complete' (Chrome).  This will save the images along with the rest of the page.
Warning: some facilities (such as drag and drop) will not work on files saved this way but you can print them for classroom use, of course.

Please make sure that you are crediting the materials to this site.  Thank you.