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Adverbs: the essentials


Adverbs are deceptively simple.



An adverb is usually defined as something like

a word which modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb

Can you identify the adverbs in these examples?

  1. He came to the door quickly and I was soon enthusiastically welcomed.
  2. She frequently complains at length about things she thinks are really stupid.
  3. Please arrive early and put the food there.
  4. Wait outside until you are called.
  5. I can't go now but I'll go soon.

Click here when you have answers.

It's fairly clear (the clue's in the name) that adverbs modify verbs.  What are they doing in these examples?

  1. He opened the box carefully.
  2. He is completely against the idea.
  3. That's a wonderfully simple solution.
  4. She speaks extremely intelligently.

Click here when you have an answer.


Adverb position

One of the most vexing phenomena for learners of English is that adverbs are placed in sentences in a rather complicated manner.  Look at the example sentences in this table and see if you can figure out some rules.  Sentences which are considered wrong are marked with '*'.  Then click on the table for some suggestions.

adverb placement 1

Look again at the examples.  There is one position where adverbs can never appear in English.  What is it?
Click here when you have the answer.


Adverbs of frequency

He frequently smokes a pipe  

This category, a sub-category of time adverbs gets its own section because it is troublesome for learners.
There are two sorts of these adverbs:

  1. Adverbs of definite frequency:
    These refer to measurable amounts of time and include, for example:
        I get the newspaper daily
        She travels to London weekly
        We meet annually

    The normal position for these adverbs is at the end of a clause, after the verb, its object or any prepositional phrase.
    Placing the adverbs anywhere else usually results in non-English or special emphasis.
    Apart from annually and seasonally, these adverbs also functions as adjectives:
        a monthly meeting
        a yearly trip
        a daily news broadcast

  2. Adverbs of indefinite frequency:
    These refer to how often something happens but not in measurable terms.  For example:
        I seldom go to see her
        I often go to see her
    are comparably different but tell us nothing more than a rough idea of frequency.  We do not know if the speaker means daily, monthly, annually or once a year.
    There are three issues with these adverbs:
    1. Strength:
      It is a traditional classroom practice to place these on a cline, like this:
      but that's only a guide because native speakers will often disagree about where on the cline the adverbs occur.
    2. Sentence type:
      1. Two of the adverbs do not occur in negative sentences:
        We accept:
            I sometimes see my sister
            Do you occasionally meet your brother in London?

        but not:
            *I don't sometimes see her
            *She does not occasionally meet her brother
      2. Five of these adverbs do not occur in questions or negative sentences:
        We accept
            I hardly ever go to London
            She scarcely ever asks for help
            We seldom eat before seven
            They never arrive on time
            She rarely wants to eat out

        but not, usually:
            *Do you hardly ever go to London?
            *I don't scarcely see her
            *She didn't seldom eat out
            *We don't never arrive on time
            *Does she rarely eat out?

    3. Position:
      1. All these frequency adverbs usually appear before the main verb and after any auxiliary verb so, we accept, e.g.:
            I have seldom been to his house
            We can scarcely ever take the early train
            They sometimes work late

        but not
            *I have been seldom to his house
            *We scarcely ever can take the early train
            *They work sometimes late
      2. They occur, however, before semi-modal auxiliary verbs
            She often has to come in early
            She is often able to help me
            They seldom used to entertain guests
            They seldom dare to go
      3. They always follow the verb be:
            I am always late
            She is never on time
            They are scarcely ever helpful
      4. The adverbs often, usually, sometimes and occasionally can occur at the end of clauses:
            They work late in the office sometimes
            She comes to the house occasionally
            He complains about having no money often

        Others in this category can occur at the end of clauses but only with some special emphasis.

Two adverbs of frequency are not in the lists above because they have special characteristics:

As you can see, these adverbs have special characteristics which are not paralleled in other languages and cause, in particular, word-ordering problems for learners.  Handle with care.


Comparing adverbs

Adjectives, as you know if you have followed the guide, can usually be modified two ways to show comparison or superlatives.

  1. By adding -er and -est:
        I'm older than her
        She's the youngest in the family
  2. By using more and most:
        The hotel was more expensive than I expected
        That's the most beautiful painting

Adverbs are a little different because they are almost always compared using more and most so we do not say, for example:
     *He drive slowlier than me
    *She came quicker than her brother
but say:
    He drove more slowly than me
    She came more quickly than her brother

However, there are two issues:

  1. Some short adverbs which do not end in -ly can be used with -er and -est:
        He worked harder than anyone else
        She drove faster than I did.

    The other common adverbs that take this form are: near, soon, late, early.
    The adverb often can be used both ways informally but some do not approve of oftener.
  2. In colloquial speech, we often hear short adverbs being modified like adjectives (but it is considered wrong by most people):
        The rain fell heavier
        The sun shone brighter and brighter

In the classroom, the safest rule is that, apart from fast, soon, near, late, early and hard, adverbs should not be modified with -er and -est.

There are some irregular forms:
    far > farther > farthest
    ill > worse > worst
    badly > worse > worst
    well > better > best
    little > less > least
    much > more > most

Related guide
adverbs for a more advanced guide to this area which also considers the difference between adverbs and adverbials