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Copyright on the training materials


The copyright on these materials is nominal and cannot be policed by anyone so ELT Concourse relies on your honour and professionalism.

All materials on this website are covered by a Creative Commons licence.
You are free to share, copy and amend any of the materials but under certain conditions:

Use: You may not use any material for commercial purposes although these materials only may be used with fee-paying course participants.  You may not use materials elsewhere on this site for commercial purposes.  That material may be used with fee-paying learners of English but may not be used on fee-paying courses for teachers.  Small excerpts from materials, conventionally attributed, may be used on such courses but wholesale lifting of materials is explicitly forbidden.
There is, of course, no objection at all to providing fee-paying course participants with annotated links to materials anywhere on this site.  Indeed, that is welcomed.
Attribution: All downloaded materials contain the ELT Concourse web address and that should be left where it is unless you have a very pressing reason to remove it.  If that is the case, please ask for permission via the contact page.
Share Alike: If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

For full details of the terms of the licence, both in legal terms and in language readily understood by normal people, please click on this link: Creative Commons link

As you know, all materials on this site are open to all so if you attempt to pass off materials taken from this site as your own, people will notice that.  There are no secrets.