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The structure and purpose of the teacher-training guides


Each guide in this section is intended to help trainers, whether new to the delights of teacher training or old hands, to construct and deliver training sessions in a variety of areas.
What is not provided, for practical reasons, is a step-by-step account of how a training session might be run.  Course types, timetables, syllabuses and aims are simply too variable to allow that.
Use them as you will but please recognise the copyright restrictions, such as they are (link on the left for more).

Each guide in the initial training section has this structure:

  1. An enumeration of the key concepts in the area that it seems wise make the focus of any information.
  2. A worksheet or set of worksheets in PDF format based on the data in the relevant guide elsewhere on this site.  Feel free to build on, amend or redesign these as you wish.
  3. Links in a table at the end to the relevant sections of the site.

In the in-service section, an additional revision test to remind participants of what they may (it is to be hoped) already know is also sometimes provided.  The key concepts that follow this are extra key concepts, of course.

It is not intended that the two areas, initial and in-service training, are watertight compartments.  Some kinds of training, TKT for example, cross the divide between initial and in-service training and some teachers on in-service courses may need more basic input than others, just as some on initial training courses may be able to cope with more detail and advanced concepts.
Where you go and what you use is entirely up to you.

The links at the end of all parts will take you to the guides for the area, either in the in-service or initial-plus sections of the site.  These may help you refresh your memory and is also a first place to send course participants should they wish to do a bit more research.
The guides themselves in this section do not repeat what is analysed elsewhere.