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Delta Module One Revision Course


Syllabus area 2
Approaches and methodologies

Before you tackle this section, you should have completed the relevant section of the Module One course

This is quite a long section of the course so you may like to take it one stage at a time.

think + write

The tasks

Think first and then make a note of your answer to the question.  Click on the eye open to reveal an answer.

State the three constituents of a methodology according to Richards and Rodgers.
Briefly explain what each one refers to.

eye open
What are the characteristics of a grammar-translation approach?
eye open
Who said:
The language a person originates ... is always expressed for a purpose.
and with which approach is this connected?
eye open
What is structural linguistics?
eye open
Who said:
We have no reason to assume ... that verbal behaviour differs in any fundamental respect from non-verbal behaviour, or that any new principles must be invoked to account for it.
What is the implication for language learning?
eye open
Who said:
There are rules of use without which the rules of grammar would be useless.?
What was meant?
eye open
Explain what is meant by:
   linguistic competence
   sociolinguistic competence
   discourse competence
   strategic competence
eye open
Explain the difference between strong and weak forms of a communicative approach.
eye open
What is a language chunk?
Give three examples.
eye open
What is a delexicalised verb?
Give two examples.
eye open
Cite three criticisms of the Lexical Approach.
eye open
What are Krashen's 5 hypotheses?
Briefly explain what is meant by each of them.
eye open
State three claimed advantages of a Task-based Learning approach.
eye open
State three criticism of a Task-based Learning approach.
eye open
Why does the teacher maintain silence in the Silent Way?
eye open
What is the teacher's role in Total Physical Response lessons?
eye open
What is the teacher's role in Community Language Learning lessons?
eye open
There is usually a three-step procedure in Suggestopedia lessons.
What are the steps?
eye open
What are the main characteristics of the Dogme approach?
eye open
There are two types of noticing.
What are they?
eye open

If you had significant problems doing these tasks, you should go back to this section of the Module One course.


That's the end

Now you can go on.  Select the revision section you want to do from this menu.

the Delta Module One revision index theoretical perspectives approaches and methodologies
language systems language skills resources
assessment the 100-item terminology test The Delta Module One course proper