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Delta revision tests for Module One, Paper 1


Before you start, try a set of easy matching tests for Paper 1, Task 1 of the examination.
You should get most of these right.  If you don't, make a note of the items you got wrong, do some more revision and then re-take the tests before moving on.  The test index opens in a new tab so simply close it to come back here.

The glossary section on this site may be helpful.  Apart from the glossaries, it contains a set of tests and some crossword puzzles for those who like such things.

Paper 1, Task 1

Because Task 1 of Paper 1 asks you for short-answer definitions of the items, all these tests also require you to type in short answers.  Please don't worry if you type in something slightly different or make a slip (and get one wrong).  Nobody is counting your score.

background theory connected speech consonants error lexical relationships 1 lexical relationships 2
methodology sentence structure testing and assessment verbs vowels word class
If you would prefer to work your way through all 12 exercises, beginning with an index, click here
To try a set of 20 random-area short-answer tests, click here.

Paper 1, Task 2

This task requires you to supply a definition and an example of a range of terms used in the profession.  Because of its nature, the task setters have to focus on things which are non-controversially defined so that limits their choices.
We can't cover all the possibilities but some favourite areas are:
discourse grammar and structure 1 grammar and structure 2 lexis 1
lexis 2 methodology miscellaneous concepts phonology

Paper 1, Task 3

This task requires longer written answers.  You will be given a section of published ELT materials and directed to some of the language features learners would need to be able to command successfully to complete the task.
Practice test 1 Practice test 2    


Paper 1, Task 4

You will be given either a transcription of a learner's spoken language or a piece of authentic writing from a learner.  Your task is to analyse the language noting strengths as well as weaknesses.
Practice test 1 Practice test 2    


Paper 1, Task 5

You will be given an authentic text (such as an article from a magazine or a brochure etc.) and asked to identify typical features of the genre.  You are also asked to explain the form, meaning, use and phonological features of different language items.
Practice test 1 Practice test 2    


Click here to go to the revision test index for Paper 2