Expressing obligation (or its lack), advice and permission
Expressing obligation is a key communicative
language skill and needed by learners at all levels of competence.
The essential concept to get clear is that this concerns deontic
modality (from the Greek deont-, that which is obligatory)
and not epistemic modality which concerns the truth or otherwise of
a proposition.
To be clear:
- That must be the right train
- She should be at home by now
- That ought to be the street
- There's an outside chance he's the manager
- I am convinced that's wrong
- I suspect that's the problem here
- are all examples of epistemic modality, expressing the speaker's view of the likelihood of something being true but
- You must get off here
- You should write to your father
- He ought to speak less abruptly
- There's some need to wait a while
- I am forbidden from doing that
- I advise against it
- are all examples of deontic modality expressing some kind of obligation or duty.
You will see that modal expressions, including modal auxiliary verbs are
often used to express both types of modality in a similar way and
that can confuse the issue, especially for learners.
For more on epistemic modality, see the
guide to expressing (un)certainty, linked in the list of related
guides at the end.
An associated idea is directive modality (e.g., Keep out!,
Don't say that! etc.) but we shall consider that here under the
general heading. For teaching purposes, the distinction is not
This area is normally taught in a way that confines it to the use of
modal auxiliary verbs. That is both misleading and
unnecessarily constricting, as we shall see.
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A word on and of advice |
Don't forget your hat! |
In the classroom, advice and obligation are often handled separately and there's some sense in that. However, the borderline between advice and obligation is blurred to the point of invisibility. It almost always depends on role relationships. For example:
Expressions | Roles | Function |
You should do it before Thursday | Boss to employee | Obligation |
Friend to friend | Advice | |
You shouldn't smoke | Friend to friend | Advice |
Doctor to patient | Obligation | |
You oughtn't to speak to her like that | Teacher to pupil | Obligation |
Pupil to pupil | Advice | |
This is a bit urgent | Chef to kitchen worker | Obligation |
Wife to husband | Advice |
In this guide, we shall not be distinguishing between advice and obligation but you should bear the role of power relationships in mind.
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Two forms of deontic modality |
Much is made of a distinction in the type of obligation expressed:
- Obligation from within
- This is known as intrinsic obligation and concerns
personal feelings of obligation (i.e., duty or personal goal
Examples are:
I should write to thank her
I feel obliged to pay you back
- This is known as intrinsic obligation and concerns
personal feelings of obligation (i.e., duty or personal goal
- Obligation from without
- This is referred to as extrinsic obligation and concerns
that which one is obliged by external forces to do (even if
one feels no personal obligation)
Examples are:
You must get a visa for the USA
It is necessary to buy a ticket before travelling
- This is referred to as extrinsic obligation and concerns
that which one is obliged by external forces to do (even if
one feels no personal obligation)
It is sometimes suggested that these two types of obligation have wholly different exponents in English (e.g., the famous have to vs. must and ought to vs. should distinctions) and that the difference leads to a hard-and-fast rule concerning which form(s) to use. That's not true, as we shall shortly see.
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The three-way switch |
It is also often assumed that there are only three main types of obligation, to wit:
- Obligation to do something: You must come on time
- Obligation not to do something: You must not be late
- Lack of any obligation: You don't have to come on time
This can also mislead because, just as there are degrees of certainty and degrees of politeness, there are also degrees of obligation:
- Strong obligation to do something: Come on time!
Weak obligation to do something: You are advised to come on time - Strong obligation not to do something: Don't be late!
Weak obligation not to do something: Please try not to be late - Total lack of obligation: It doesn't matter when you
Some mild preference: It would be nice if you came on time but ...
And, of course, there are subtle gradations between the strongest and weakest forms of obligation.
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Expressing obligation |
Here are some examples of what this guide is about.
Can you spot:
- The parts of the following in which the speakers / writers are expressing an obligation (or its lack) or a duty?
- The way they are doing it – i.e., the linguistic realisation of deontic modality?
- What type of obligation, intrinsic or extrinsic, is being expressed?
When you have an answer to a., b and c. above, click on the
to reveal some comment.
It seems
necessary. It appears obligatory. ![]() |
Stop that! Go on! Please refrain from smoking. ![]() |
You are
advised to take great care. Visitors are not allowed beyond this point. ![]() |
The house
needs painting. That wants fixing. ![]() |
I must
write to my mother. I have to get my hair cut. You ought to be more careful. You shouldn't come without an invitation. ![]() |
This is
necessarily the last word. I was unavoidably delayed. It's inescapably connected to politics. It's somewhat important that ... ![]() |
I think
that's obviously what you do. I feel this is probably the best way forward. I imagine that's perhaps the best thing for me to do. ![]() |
It is a
vital task to get finished That's an unnecessary addition. That's a preferred option. ![]() |
There's a
great need for some hard work here. The first prerequisite is ... The No 1 necessity is for ... It's your clear duty to write. ![]() |
This is a
bit urgent. It's a tad important to ... It's slightly important that I get there soon. ![]() |
More detail and exemplification follows.
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Modality |
Expressing obligation is frequently done via the use of pure and semi-modal auxiliary verbs. This is so obvious that some teachers confine their teaching of the function to the use of modal auxiliary verbs alone. That's a mistake.
The distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic obligation comes into play here, too.
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Pure and semi-modal auxiliary verbs |
We will consider these together but this is not a definitive list. For more, see the other guides on this site to the various modal auxiliary verbs.
Declarative | Interrogative | |
Expressing obligation | You must get this finished today | Must we buy a ticket? |
You should do it before Thursday | Should I get some more help? | |
They ought to get more paint | Ought we to try another way? | |
We have to stay late again this evening | Do I have to do it now? | |
This needs to be done now | Does this need to be sent? | |
Expressing prohibition | You mustn't spend more than an hour on this | Mustn't we sit over there? |
You shouldn't work so late | Shouldn't I get this done first? | |
They oughtn't to speak to her like that | Oughtn't I to be a bit earlier than that? | |
You can't go in | Can / can't we go in? | |
Don't you dare do that! | No form. | |
Expressing lack of obligation | They needn't do it urgently | Do we need to do it today? |
We don't have to finish tonight | Does she have to be so demanding? | |
We haven't got to do it today | Have we got to do it today? |
- ought to is often considered a semi-modal auxiliary verb but, as can be seen from the examples, it functions in a very similar way, excluding the use of the to-infinitive, to pure or central modal auxiliary verbs. Some consider the question forms with ought to be clumsy and Did we ought to ... is increasingly heard.
- can / can't: The modal auxiliary verb can is used, in the negative or questions only, to express prohibition. It cannot be used to express an obligation to do something. The positive and interrogative forms express permission (the other side of obligation's coin, of course).
- dare in this sense is quite rare and there is no interrogative form for this function.
- there is a small distinction between have to and have got to which may be worth mentioning at higher levels. The insertion of got, which is mostly confined to BrE, can make the obligation sound stronger when the word is stressed.
- It is often suggested that have to and ought to
express extrinsic obligation but that must and
should express intrinsic obligation. There is little
evidence for this and native speakers use the forms in free
variation in most circumstances. Evidence exists that the
use of have to is increasing at the expense of must,
at least in spoken BrE. If this is true, the
extrinsic-intrinsic distinction between the forms cannot be
It is also the case that the extrinsic-intrinsic distinction is hard to sustain in many cases. For example:
I must / have to see the dentist about this tooth
You must / have to learn the language if I want to live here
They should / ought to avoid being late
We shouldn't / oughtn't to spend so much on shoes - A more important and sustainable distinction between modal
auxiliary verb uses applies to repeated rather than one-off obligations.
For example:
I have to get up early every day to catch my train to work
implies that this is a repeated obligation, whereas
I must get up early to catch my train
implies a one-off event.
Equally, in the negative, lack of obligation can be signalled by:
I don't have to get up early to catch a train to work
which implies a continuous lack of obligation, whereas
I needn't get up early
implies a one-off lack of obligation.
Even here, however, native speakers will often use the forms in free variation unless they wish to mark the meaning in some way. - The semi-modal need appears in the list above as a way of expressing deontic modality because it makes the obligation less personal and, therefore, more polite and distanced in many cases.
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Two marginal modal auxiliary verbs |
Two marginal modal auxiliary verbs can express some sense of deontic modality: be supposed to and had better
- be supposed to
- can only be used to express obligation or prohibition.
It cannot express a lack of obligation.
- You are supposed to be here at 9.
- They are not supposed to use this in the evenings.
- Aren't you supposed to be at work?
- Are you supposed to use this program?
- had better
- can only be used to express obligation. It is not used
to express prohibition or lack of obligation.
- You'd better get this done before you go home.
- Hadn't you better ask before doing that?
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Modal adverbs, adjectives and nouns |
- modal adverbs
- There were examples of these above using necessarily, unavoidably, inescapably,
Other examples which heighten or diminish the sense of obligation are:
to some extent
to a certain degree
to some degree - modal adjectives
- There were examples above (vital, unnecessary, preferred) to which we can add
As in, e.g.
a fundamental need / a crucial necessity / a pointless requirement / a critical prerequisite etc. - modal nouns
- There were examples above using need, prerequisite, and
necessity to which we can add must, essential, (pre-)condition, requirement
and obligation but few others. As was noted,
these are almost always (but not always) modified in some way as
in e.g.
a fundamental must / an imperative pre-condition / a desirable requirement etc.
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Permission |
It is noted above that the function of asking for and giving / withholding permission is the other side of obligation's coin. A consideration of how it is done is appropriate here.
The line between epistemic modality and deontic modality can
become slightly blurred here. For example, look at the
following expressions and try to decide whether they refer to
obligation (deontic modality) or possibility (epistemic modality)
and then click on the
to reveal some comment.
May I go
now? You may not go till it's all finished. You may go when you like. ![]() |
This is a clear case of deontic modality because the
modal auxiliary verb may refers to the lifting of an
obligation to stay, the imposition of an obligation to
stay or to a lack of obligation to stay.
The modal auxiliary verb might is frequently used interrogatively only in the same way ask about obligation but it is unusual and formal Might we go now? |
Could I
just say something? Can I see you for a minute? Do you have a moment? ![]() |
These are probably cases of epistemic modality,
referring to the possibility of something happening
or the likelihood of a state existing.
However, they have a shade of deontic modality insofar as they can refer to whether there remains an obligation to stay silent or one not to interrupt somebody's day. The modal auxiliary verb could / can is often used in this way |
Is there a
chance of asking a question? Do you have permission to be here? ![]() |
These are something of a mixture of modality types:
Is there a chance of asking a question? Is epistemic in the sense that it refers to possibility but may be deontic in the sense that it is asking whether there is an obligation not to ask a question. Do you have permission to be here? Is epistemic in the sense that it refers to the possibility of permission existing but deontic in the sense that it (probably) refers to an obligation not to be here. |
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Softeners |
The function of expressing obligation needs to be handled with great care if you want to avoid your learners sounding rude, intrusive and superior.
In most cultures, including English-speaking ones, it is simply inappropriate in most adult-to-adult interaction to use bare obligation forms such as
- You must do this
- Do it now!
- You ought to go
- It is necessary that this is done now
This is especially true between (comparative) strangers and in
professional settings. Even the most demanding boss is
unlikely to use expressions of obligation without some form of
softening and between other adults, unless they know each other very
well indeed, the same applies
To teach exponents of obligation without simultaneously teaching
ways to soften their effect is foolhardy and error inducing.
Here are some ways English has of softening obligation.
Tactic | This ... | ... is often softened to ... |
Blame someone else | You must get this finished today | The bank needs these figures today |
Do it before noon | We'll need it before noon | |
Delete the subject, make it impersonal or use a passive form | You mustn't spend more than an hour on this | This shouldn't take more than an hour |
Do this soon | This has to be done soon | |
You can't leave yet | Nobody can leave yet | |
You must work late tonight | It's necessary for you to work late tonight | |
Insert politeness routines | Take this to the post office | Please take this to the post office |
Can / Could you take this to the post office, please? | ||
I wonder if you can take this to the post office | ||
Use co-hortation instead of exhortation | I require this done now | Can we get it done now? |
You must do this next week | Can we agree to do this next week? | |
Use downtoners | This must be done urgently | This is a bit urgent, in fact |
Please do this immediately | Please do this as soon as possible |
Tactics can be combined to get, e.g.:
I'm afraid this has to be done very soon
I'm sorry but this is extremely urgent
(If the terms co-hortation and exhortation are obscure to you,
there's an explanation in the guide to
suasion and hortation, linked below, that may be of interest.)
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Teaching this area |
This is an area at which learners of the language tend to fall into two camps: those who avoid any kind of obligation statement for fear of causing offence and those who cause offence by overusing direct forms.
As we saw above, the area is complex and there is a range of ways to express obligation, its lack and prohibition. We can, if we are not careful, overwhelm our learners so the area needs to be approached piecemeal, one or two structures at a time.
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Other languages |
As we have seen, English deploys some eight modal and semi-modal
auxiliary verbs as well as a range of less direct modal expressions and the
imperative mood.
Other languages, as you may imagine, do things differently.
- Some languages rely on a very limited range of modal
auxiliary verbs
and, therefore, use many more adjectival, adverbial and verbal
constructions. This can make them sound overly formal in
English, for example:
It is necessary that I go now (instead of I really ought to go)
Am I obliged to stay? (instead of Do I have to stay?)
Is it compulsory to be here? (instead of Must we be here?) - Some languages rely on a complex range of tense forms,
avoiding any directness at all so all obligations are couched in
non-personal or passive ways. Speakers of these languages
find it difficult to identify comparable constructions in
English and produce odd-sounding language such as:
Someone says this is to be done (instead of We need to do this)
These letters are to be posted by someone (instead of Please post these letters) - Some languages allow a great deal more directness,
especially with the equivalent of must, than
English does and speakers of these can sound almost abusive,
certainly quite direct or rude. For example:
You must come to my house at six
You must buy a new car
You hair needs cutting
A little comparative language work in the classroom can expose these differences, is quite interesting and can positively contribute to learners' ability to select the correct tone in what they say.
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Power relationships |
Above, when discussing the relationship between obligation and
advice, it was noted that the same expression of deontic modality
can imply anything from mild advice to strict obligation depending
on who is talking to whom. So, for example,
You should not park here
is a statement of prohibition you would foolish to ignore from a
police officer but merely advice it is safe to disregard if it comes
from a friend or a child.
You must look at this
can, from a friend, simply mean
This is interesting (so my advice is to look at it)
but from a teacher to a pupil may mean
Look at this! (or there will be unpleasant consequences)
Making role relationships clear when introducing the area or
practising the exponents is, therefore, vital.
Pictures of settings and participants often help:
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Raising awareness
A simple approach is to start with recognition of an appropriate
expression of obligation. Like this:
Discuss with a partner and put a tick in the right box. | ||||
Situation | Statement | Too direct | Too indirect | About right |
Customer to waiter | You must bring me a clean knife. | |||
Bring me the menu. | ||||
You should leave the bottle here. | ||||
Please bring me a clean knife | ||||
Can you leave the bottle here, please? | ||||
Boss to employee | You have to work late today | |||
We all have to work late today, I'm afraid | ||||
We must get this job done even if it means working late | ||||
These reports need copying | ||||
Copy these reports | ||||
Get these reports copied | ||||
Friend to friend | See a doctor | |||
You should see a doctor | ||||
You must see a doctor | ||||
I would suggest seeing a doctor if you have a little time |
The same kind of approach can, clearly, be taken for the other strategies in the table above.
Focusing on form and strength of obligation
Statement | Strong obligation | Weak obligation | Strong prohibition | Weak prohibition | No obligation at all |
Do this before lunch | |||||
Bring me the menu. | |||||
Please get these copied before the meeting | |||||
I may be important to do this soon | |||||
It is critical that this is corrected | |||||
Please don't feel obliged to do this if you don't have time today | |||||
These tables ought to be cleaned | |||||
You don't have to work late but it would be nice | |||||
We should get on with the meeting | |||||
You should stop now. We are running out of time. |
Public notices
At lower levels especially, all sorts of notices are useful for
identifying the strength of obligation / prohibition / lack of
obligation they imply. Be aware, however, that beyond the
basics of must, have to, don't have to, should and shouldn't their
usefulness ends. Using them requires some intensive
concept questioning along the lines of
What must you do?
What do you have to do here?
What mustn't you do?
What shouldn't you do?
For example:
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Above this level, it is necessary to be a bit more imaginative and create and discuss scenarios in which the expression of obligation is required and some subtlety needed in its use to ensure it's appropriate. Some ideas for settings in which obligation can be considered are:
- the workplace
E.g.: How are different roles subject to different obligations. Does the boss have to be at work at 9? Who has to work late most often? Who can eat where? etc. - schools and colleges
E.g.: What rule are relaxed as children get older? How are obligations different between school and university? etc. - hotels and guest houses
E.g.: What rules differ depending where you stay? What obligations are imposed on staff and guests? etc. - staying with a host
E.g.: What home rules would you impose? What duties do guests have? What kind of behaviour is permitted? etc. - doing dangerous sports
E.g.: What must one do? What should one do? What is it advisable to do? etc. - visiting a hospital
E.g.: What should one do? Where is one allowed to go? When are you permitted to visit? etc. - using a computer safely
E.g.: What should you avoid? What must you never do? What advice should you take? etc.
All of the above allow for a good deal of speculation concerning
what is required, what is recommended, what prohibited and what
allowable with various gradations of strength.
Obviously, your learners can't approach the scenarios until they
have understood at least something of the possibilities in English.
That, we have to teach.
Related guides | |
non-modal auxiliary verb modality | for a guide to modal adverbs, adjectives and nouns |
expressing (un)certainty | for more on epistemic modality |
suasion and hortation | for more on the imperative and other ways of affecting the behaviour of others |
causatives | for a guide to a related area not considered at all in this guide |
the modality index | for guides to the expression of various forms of modality in English |