logo  ELT Concourse: a free training course for TKT: modules 1, 2 and 3
The Concourse

TKT Core Module 2: Index

module 2

This module tests your knowledge of:
Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching

There are two areas:

  1. Planning and preparing a lesson or sequence of lessons
  2. Selection and use of resources

The whole of this TKT Module looks like this.  You can click on any part of the diagram on the right to go to the section you want to work on.
ADVICE: If you are doing this course for the first time, start at the top and work your way down.
Each section is written in a way that assumes you have followed the course this way.
You can come back to this page by clicking on the blue arrow: blue arrow

If you want to see if you are ready for Module 2, there is a short test here.  Note your score at the end!

When you have finished this course, you can revise for the examination by trying all the practice tests you did for Module 2 again.

For this Module, there is also a revision course that you can take in the week before the examination.

When you feel you are ready, you can try a whole practice examination for TKT Module 2.

Click on the right where you want to go:

Click in this column
module 2