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The TKT Module 1 Revision Course


Do not do the revision course until you have finished the course for Module 1 on this site or taken a face-to-face preparation course.

This revision course covers all the topics in Module 1 of the TKT examination.


How to do the revision

You will need a pen and paper to respond to tasks and questions before checking your answers

In all the sections, you need to respond to the task or question by writing some short notes.
You can, of course simply click for the answer at any time but if you do that, you are wasting your time.  Revision means thinking things through again and making sure you have understood.  So ...


This menu is at the bottom of each part of the revision course so you can choose the next area you want to look at.

the Module 1 revision index grammar lexis
phonology functions receptive skills
productive skills motivation exposure to language and focus on form
the role of error differences between L1 and L2 learning learner characteristics
learner needs presentation techniques and introductory activities types of activities and tasks
assessment types and tasks   Do all the Module 1 tests again