Transcription: initial and in-service training sessions
Initial and in-service training courses are combined here because the demands of accrediting authorities (principally Cambridge and Trinity College) differ in what is required.
The Cambridge CELTA and Delta have (bizarrely in some people's
opinion) no obviously explicit requirements in the syllabus or the
assessment procedures that candidates should be able to transcribe
and read transcriptions of the sounds of English.
The syllabus at Diploma level mentions merely:
Phonemic script and transcription conventions
without setting out what is required. That is the only mention of the area.
At CELTA level, the syllabus has:
Phonology: the formation and description of
English phonemes; features of connected speech
and elsewhere (under speaking skills),
Phonemic systems: identify and describe some differences in phonemic
systems of languages spoken by learners
Trinity, on the other hand, has the following in its syllabus for the initial Certificate:
Use of phonemic symbols and phonemic chart for
description and discrimination
Transcribing words and short utterances
At Diploma level, Trinity requires candidates to exhibit their ability to
transcribe connected speech as heard
mark tonic syllables to show prominence in sentence stress
mark the intonation patterns as heard.
The example given in Trinity's documentation is to transcribe
Would you like to come round
tomorrow? Yes? Good! Charlie wants to meet you too
as spoken by an examiner.
(That would be something like
if the focus of your course is on US pronunciation
by the way.)
Clearly, on an initial course, where the participants may not be
aware that there is something called phonemic transcription, the
challenge is much greater for those preparing for the Trinity
qualification than those taking CELTA where only a basic
understanding of the principles and the principal ways of
transcribing individual sounds is needed. Even here, however,
the ability to transcribe sounds, at least to read a phonemic
transcription aloud and to focus learners on troublesome sounds via
the phonemic script is very beneficial.
At Diploma level, even if you are training for a Cambridge
qualification it is difficult to imagine that candidates could teach
pronunciation well or understand even the basics of the topic
without the ability to transcribe accurately.
This site contains a course in phonemic transcription and
there are guides to areas of phonology, linked below.
The worksheets are based on the course on this site and can be
used at any level, depending on how thorough, or superficial, you
need to be.
Click here
to go to the transcription course on this site.
Click here for the ELT Concourse phoneme chart.
Both those links open in a new tab.
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The key ideas |
The worksheets do not replace the course on this site and cannot be a stand-alone set of activities. You need to teach the area.
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Workshop tasks |
Worksheet #1 focuses on some basic ideas and may be enough
for your first session or two at initial level.
At diploma level, most of this may (should?) be revision.
Task 1 of the Worksheet asks for a little discrimination.
It could be dictated before it is seen.
In this task, examples 3, 4 and 8 are not true minimal pairs because
there are two sound changes in each case.
The question of whether bought and brought
constitute a minimal pair can be handled here (they do insofar as
one has an inserted consonant).
The transcriptions of the key words (with AmE where it differs) are:
- /ʃɪp/ vs. /ʃɒp/ (/ʃɑːp/)
- /bɔːt/ vs. /brɔːt/
- /pleɪs/ vs. /beɪs/
- /dʒɒn/ vs. /dʒɪm/ (/dʒɑːn/)
- /tɪp/ vs. /ʃɪp/
- /kæʃ/ vs. /kɒʃ/
- /fiːz/ vs. /ðiːz/
- /frɔːt/ (/ˈfrɒt) vs. /ˈkɔːt/
Task 2 focuses on the consonants where the phonemic symbol
does not differ from the ordinary Latin letter.
It is worth focusing on:
- The /ɡ/ is not written as /g/
- The /s/ is variously spelled, usually 'c' or 's'
- The /k/ is also variously spelled 'k' or 'c'
- The /j/ sound is not pronounced /dʒ/ as in 'just' but as the 'y' in 'yes'
- The /w/ is pronounced as in 'when' not 'how' (where it is a vowel, /aʊ/)
Task 3 focuses on the consonant sounds which require a special
symbol. There are only seven but people will need some
practice to distinguish them all.
Task 4 focuses on the 8 pairs of voiced / unvoiced consonants in
English. People will probably need a little time to recognise
the difference between ZZZZZZ and SSSSSS at first.
Task 5 takes the pure or monophthong vowels first.
Task 6 focuses on diphthongs.
Tasks 5 and 6 are certainly the most challenging and you may like to
break them down.
Triphthongs are not considered here because of their rarity (if they
can be said to exist at all).
However, if you have time, you may like to focus on, e.g.:
- /eɪə/ as in player or mayor.
- /aɪə/ as in liar or shire.
- /ɔɪə/ as in soil or loyal.
- /əʊə/ as in lower or knower.
- /aʊə/ as in tower or our.
Worksheet #2 focuses on connected speech phenomena.
Task 1 focuses on the weak forms of common function words.
The list is not complete and the answers are available by clicking
It is worth noting that not all the forms include the use of the
schwa and that some are formed by omitting sounds altogether.
Task 2 focuses on intrusive sounds: /w/, /r/ and /j/.
The answers
It is worth noting that these intrusions do not occur in all
varieties and some speakers do not produce them in all cases.
Task 3 focuses on connections. The phenomena in question are:
- assimilation of /s/ to /ʃ/ because of the influence of /tʃ/
- syllabic reduction /ˈprɒbli/
- assimilation: coalescence of /t/ and /ɡ/ to /k/
- elision of /t/
- catenation: /lef. tɑːm/
- assimilation: coalescence of /t/ and /j/ to /tʃ/
- juncture and the stress is on the first and second syllables respectively /ˈaɪs.kriːm/ vs. /aɪ.ˈskriːm/
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Homework |
On a short, initial training course, you are unlikely to be able
to devote many sessions to each area and on an in-service course you
may also be pressed for time.
A way out is to get the participants to do the course on this
site at home (or in private study time) and then give some in-class
That course also has some exercises at the end to transcribe short
utterances. This will be helpful for those preparing for the
Trinity Diploma in particular.
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Related areas |
Related guides | |
the transcription course | this link takes you to the index page for the course in transcription. How long it takes depends on how much people already know. |
phonemes | for a PDF formatted phoneme chart with a few notes |
pronunciation | for the simpler initial-plus guide to phonology's basic terminology only |
pronunciation | for the in-service index of the guides in this area |
A-Z index | where you can find guides to or containing specific concepts and terms |