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Concourse 2

Skills index: in-service training

understanding listening skills teaching listening skills assessing listening skills
understanding speaking skills teaching speaking skills assessing speaking skills
understanding writing skills teaching writing skills assessing writing skills
for and against essays    
understanding reading skills teaching reading skills assessing reading skills
context English for Academic Purposes index inferencing: top-down, bottom-up
turn-taking backchannelling  


The in-service training topics

background discourse functions general reference
lexis methodology modality and mood pronunciation
skills syntax: phrases, clauses, sentences teaching and materials testing and assessment
verbs and tenses English for Academic Purposes a list of lists a short language analysis course
learn to /træn.ˈskraɪb/ index of courses on this site
Other links:
the teacher training index a basic training course the TKT course the CELTA section initial training plus the Delta section teacher development