TKT Module 2 Revision: Identifying and selecting aims
You should only come here if you have completed a face-to-face course for TKT Module 2 or have done the Module 2 course on this site. |
The parts of the
answer which are underlined are things you
should know.
Examples are in black.
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Identifying and selecting aims |
Make a note of your answer to the question and then click on the to reveal the answer.
What is the difference between an
aim and a procedure? Why is this an important distinction? |
Aims concern
what learners will
accomplish: they are to do with learning
Procedures concern what learners will do: they are concerned with tasks and activities. It is important to get this right so you can set targets rather than just do things in a lesson. |
What does
CLEAR stand for? Briefly explain each part. |
Clear: both the
teacher and the learners need to be sure
why they are doing
Limited: if there are too many aims, the lesson will lose focus and purpose. Explicit: you need also to say how the aims will be met, not just what they are. Achievable: aims need to be realistic. Relevant: aims need to be directed towards what the learners need to be able to do. |
Give two
reasons for having clear aims. |
They encourage clear
They allow us to see if the activities and tasks in the lesson contribute to the aims. They allow us to judge success. |
What is the
difference between aims and objectives? |
Aims are the things that
the teacher wants to achieve in the
Objectives are the outcomes: what the learners will be able to do at the end. |
Explain what
is meant by: presentation lessons revision lessons extension lessons revision plus extension lessons |
Presentation lessons
are lessons in which a new skill or structure is met for the first time Revision lessons are lessons in which there is nothing new but the learners need more practice Extension lessons are lessons in which the aim is to broaden, widen or deepen the learners' abilities Revision plus Extension lessons are lessons in which the learners first revise what they know and then go on to extend it |
What are stage
aims and why are they important? |
Stage aims
tell us why an
activity or a task is being done.
Procedures and aims should match. |
That's the end.How did you do? |
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