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TKT Module 3 Revision: Using language appropriately for a range of classroom functions

using language

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The parts of the answer which are underlined are things you should know.
Examples are in black.

think + write

Using language appropriately for a range of classroom functions

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Make a note of your answer to the question and then click on the eye open to reveal the answer.

State two reasons why teachers talk in classrooms.
eye open
Explain what the acronym CLEAR means with reference to teacher talk.
eye open
The teacher says:
This verb is irregular.  In the past simple the form is pronounced 'spoke' and the past participle is pronounced 'spoken'.
What two things is he doing?
eye open
The teacher says:
Who can tell me where the stress is?
John, what is unusual about the spelling of this word?

What two things is she doing?
eye open
The teacher says:
Well, partly right, but this sentence has some words in the wrong order.
What two things is he doing?
eye open
Give two situations in which using the learners' first language(s) is a good idea.
eye open


That's the end.

How did you do?
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Now you can go on.  Select the revision section you want to do from this menu.

the Module 3 revision index using language appropriately for classroom functions sequencing of instructions
identifying the functions of learners' language categorising learners' mistakes classroom management
teacher roles grouping learners correcting learners
giving feedback