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Concourse 2

Teaching and materials index: in-service training

teaching These guides include some information on how languages other than English deal with the areas.
There are other guides to various areas of teaching in the initial plus and teacher development sections of this site.
Guides marked IP are in the initial plus section.
For guides to teaching language skills, go to the skills index.

activity types IP Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives context IP
correcting learners IP error feedback on learner production
feedback on / from tasks IP genre approach grammar teaching theory IP
inferencing input and intake language interference and facilitation
lesson planning IP monitoring mythologies in ELT
needs analyses noticing online teaching
questioning IP research in the classroom scaffolding
syllabus design task types IP teacher-induced error
teacher roles IP teacher talk IP teaching Business English
teaching the article system teaching causatives teaching four basic future forms
teaching lexis teaching modal auxiliary verbs teaching multi-word verbs
teaching one-to-one teaching the passive teaching language skills IP
teaching tense and aspect teaching troublesome sounds teaching word formation
time lines IP timeline samples using translation
unlocking learning (Delta section) using visualisations varieties of English
zone of proximal development    
how authentic is authentic? course-book evaluation do-it-yourself materials
ten types of resources a lesson on language typing  


The in-service training topics

background discourse functions general reference
lexis methodology modality and mood pronunciation
skills syntax: phrases, clauses, sentences teaching and materials testing and assessment
verbs and tenses Business English English for Academic Purposes a list of lists
a 10-unit language analysis course learn to /træn.ˈskraɪb/ index of courses on this site glossaries on this site
Other links:
the teacher training index the TKT course the CELTA section initial training plus the Delta section teacher development for teacher trainers
about language this is an index of guides concerned much more generally with language (and English in particular).